Last week Joshua threw some of the most outrageous fits I’d ever seen. When we arrived in his 12-18 month old classroom, he decided that he was not having whatever I packed for breakfast. He did not want cinnamon raisin bread, he did not want a banana and he most certainly did not want to […]
The orange folder
On the first (or second, I can’t quite remember) day of school, Lee brought home an orange folder with his name on it in his bookbag. The is the primary method of communicating with the teacher. The concept is sort of like sending notes by carrier pigeon back in the olden days. School newsletters, forms, […]
Time has just been flying by. I’ve survived our school’s first fundraising drive for the year and, I’m not proud to say, my sales were abysmal. When your child enrolls in preschool, whether it’s public or private, get ready for the onslaught of fundraising events. Our school requires a $300 fundraising contribution each year per […]
The First Month
It has been almost 1 month, since Surta joined Family Annex. She loves it! We are also happy to be a part of her school Family. We had a first “parents to parents” meeting. Each parent chat with other parent for about 7 minutes. And later they introduced each other and their kids to the […]
getting in the groove
We’re getting in the groove, even though we still have to run to school to avoid being late! Did I mention we live ACROSS the street from the school? One big glitch which enraged, ENRAGED me. I know communication in schools is a problem. But you need to get it together when it’s a big […]
One of the most important thing they should tell new parents is to label absolutely everything that is not on your child’s body, including coats, hats, shoes, anything they may remove. It rained heavily during the first couple days of school this year so Lee wore his new yellow rain slicker that he is in […]
Testing, Testing
If you’ve been reading (and I know you have been), you’ll see that the Board of Ed has announced launched the gifted and talented testing program for the 2010/2011 school year for students entering kindergarden and the primary grades. This testing is not mandatory, it’s only for parents who want their children to qualify for […]
G&T handbooks now available online
Handbooks for the NYC Board of Education 2009/2010 Gifted and Talented program are current available online. Here are important program dates: Applicants who were born in 2005, 2004, 2003 & 2002 (Please note: For K, 1st, 2nd, & 3rd grade placement in the 2010 – 2011 school year) October 7, 2009: Gifted & Talented Test […]
NYC Gifted and Talented for 2009/2010
The NYC Department of Education has posted gifted and talented information and test dates for the 2009/2010 school year on their website. This test if for applicants who were BORN in 2005, 2004, 2003 & 2002, i.e. for K, 1st, 2nd, & 3rd grade placement in the 2010 – 2011 school year.
Free education seminar
Title: Free Education Seminar Location: Nightingale-Bamford School 20 E 92nd St. (btwn 5th & Madison) NYC, NY Description: If you are interested in learning more about school options for your kids, plan to attend a wonderful free education seminar hosted by The Metropolitan Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. The Education Seminar will […]