Pre-K Registration Round 2 for 2010-2011 School Year

Round 2 Pre-K admissions for the 2010-2011 school year are underway.  These are pre-K options for families who applied in Round 1 and did not receive an offer, as well as opportunities for families who are applying for the first time for pre-K options at both DOE sites and community based organizations. Directories and applications […]

2010/2011 Kindergarten enrollment deadline is today!

Today is the last day to enroll your child in public kindergarten for this coming September.  Here’s the reminder from the DOE: The last day to submit your Kindergarten application is Friday, March 12. Families should go directly to their zoned school and any other school for which they are eligible to apply for Kindergarten. […]

NYC Pre-K applications for the 2010-2011 school year

It’s the most wonderful time of the year (not!).  The Preschool application season has begun anew in New York City for the 2010-2011 school year.  Here’s the deal – if your child turns 4 years old before December 31, 2010 then you can enroll him/her in a public school pre-k program that starts in September […]

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day For Preschoolers

Monday is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, a federal holiday observed by all states.  This means your little one has the day off school.  While this is a major holiday, Lee’s class didn’t do anything special to celebrate and I’m not sure if he learned anything about who Dr. King is (at least that’s what […]

BeFitNYC Week: New York Recreation Centers Open House

Do you have a 2010 fitness goal?  Well New York City parks is inviting everyone to visit their many recreation centers to try them out and learn how to be fit.  From Monday, January 11 through Saturday, January 16, the centers will host a variety of fun events and activities – all for FREE!

PTA meetings

The PTA meetings are well attended at 180. We had about 30 parents at our November meeting and it’s great to see that the “Jag Dads” (our school mascot is a jaguar) are really getting active. The school has an amazing auditorium and the dads are planning a monthly movie based on a book. The […]