We reached a milestone in October – Noey gets dropped off at school and awakes from her nap without any tears or sadness. Yeah!
This month the school held a curriculum night where they presented a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Montessori philosophy and photos of the children at “work.” After the general session, the parents were invited to their child’s classroom where the teachers discussed the daily routine and demonstrated some of the ongoing activities. Noey’s day begins with a open work cycle where the children are encouraged to engage in the various activities in the classroom. The work cycle includes puzzles, sorting, arts and crafts, washing dishes, bathing baby dolls and other hands-on activity. After the morning work cycle the teachers lead group time which typically includes storytelling, musical instruments or song. The children are not required to participate in group time and may continue working on their individuals activities. Each morning the children also take a walk around the neighborhood. They usually walk to one of the neighborhood parks to play outdoor or local fruit stand to purchase their morning and/or afternoon snack. Each day they learn about and taste a new fruit or vegetable. After the morning walk (or gym time) they come back to the classroom for lunch and their nap. I was advised that Noey gets tired during their nature walks and confessed that I often use the stroller when we’re out and about.
A few weeks ago the teachers organized a social where the parents are asked to bring in a favorite dish or one representing their culture. The social was held in the school’s gym. It was a good opportunity to meet the other parents and observe the children at play together.