Full House at our First Ever Admissions Panel

We had a full house at our first ever private schools admission panel in Harlem last night.  Thank you to everyone who attended.

The discussion got started with tips on how to research and organize your schools and moved into testing, applications, interviews and financial aid.  By all accounts the evening was filled with helpful, informative conversation with admission directors, faculty and parents from NYC independent schools and Hunter College Elementary.

Here's what some members of our audience had to say:

"People were very helpful in sharing personal experiences"

"The entire event was very informative.  Every aspect of the process was detailed"

"Every question and answer was useful and the speakers helped alleviate some of the intensity surrounding this process."

"I really felt all of the panelists were interested in helping/informing"

A lot was discussed but there is a lot more that can and needs to be discussed.  Keep checking back here for additional events around this and other topics.

Best of luck to those who will be applying this admission season.  I'll leave you with a few things to consider along the way:

1. Most people apply for 8-10 schools

2. Between parent tours, parent interviews and child playdates, there will be 24-30 visits to these schools during a three month period

3. Including a modest 30 minute travel time, working parents will miss 56-65 hours of work during this time (not including time to complete applications and other required paperwork)

I can't stress enough the need to be organized and to plan.  See our AdmissionTimeline handout for an overview of the process.

Were you there?  Please provide your feedback on the event.


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