Pretty non-descript beginnings...DS has seen the school for years inside and out (because of my volunteering there). He's been in some sort of school environment since 2, so was comfortable with this school. I made sure that he had a mellow summer, no camp- so by the time the school year rolled around he was excited to be in a classroom! I was the same as a kid....
Beautiful day yesterday. I met one of the moms walking to school, her son gave DS the biggest hug, then the boys met up with a third boy- again a huge bear hug. Was so beautiful, they hadn't known each other two weeks ago. One of the moms commented when do we lose that ability to just see each other as friends?
Some of the kids seem to have a hard time adjusting, a few parents have had their children at home full-time until now. Aside from that we're an excited group!
First PTA meeting this Sat- should be packed!!